Which of the following sentences uses a predicate noun?

A. When you leave, I will feel sad.

B. My sister is their most valuable player.

C. Their most valuable player is she.

D. I will be saddened when you leave.

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A. Sad is a predicate adjective.

B. Player is a predicate noun
C. She is a predicate pronoun.
D. Saddened is a predicate adjective.

To identify which sentence uses a predicate noun, let's first understand what a predicate noun is. A predicate noun, also known as a predicative nominative, is a noun or a pronoun that follows a linking verb and renames or describes the subject of the sentence. It helps in providing more information about the subject.

Now, let's analyze each option:

A. When you leave, I will feel sad.
This sentence does not have a predicate noun. It simply states that "I will feel sad" without renaming or describing the subject "I."

B. My sister is their most valuable player.
This sentence does not have a predicate noun. "Their most valuable player" acts as a predicate adjective, modifying the subject "my sister."

C. Their most valuable player is she.
This sentence does have a predicate noun. It uses the pronoun "she" as a predicate noun, renaming the subject "their most valuable player."

D. I will be saddened when you leave.
This sentence does not have a predicate noun. It uses the adjective "saddened" to describe the subject "I," but there is no noun or pronoun acting as a predicate noun.

Based on our analysis, sentence C, "Their most valuable player is she," uses a predicate noun.