A ship leaves an island (5°N, 45° E) and sails due east for 120 hours to another island. Average speed of the ship is 27 knots.

Calculate the distance between the two islands
In nautical miles
In kilometers

To calculate the distance between the two islands, we can use the formula:

Distance = Speed x Time

First, let's convert the time from hours to days, since speed is usually given in knots per day.

120 hours ÷ 24 hours/day = 5 days

Now, let's calculate the distance in nautical miles:

Distance = Speed x Time
Distance = 27 knots x 5 days
Distance = 135 nautical miles

Therefore, the distance between the two islands is 135 nautical miles.

To convert nautical miles to kilometers, we need to know the conversion factor. The conversion factor is 1 nautical mile equals 1.852 kilometers.

Therefore, to convert nautical miles to kilometers:

Distance in kilometers = Distance in nautical miles x Conversion Factor
Distance in kilometers = 135 nautical miles x 1.852 kilometers/nautical mile
Distance in kilometers ≈ 250.02 kilometers

So, the distance between the two islands is approximately 135 nautical miles and 250.02 kilometers.