in number 13,407.036 there are two 3's explain how the values of the 3's are related?

3 thousands, and 3 hundredths.

To understand how the values of the 3's are related in the number 13,407.036, let's break down the number into its place values:

1 (Ten Thousand)
3 (Thousand)
4 (Hundred)
0 (Tens)
7 (Ones)
. (Decimal Point)
0 (Tenths)
3 (Hundredths)
6 (Thousandths)

In this case, there are two occurrences of the digit 3. The first 3 is in the thousands place, contributing a value of 3,000 to the overall number. The second 3 is in the hundredths place, contributing a value of 0.03 to the overall number.

So, while both 3's are present in the number, their values are quite different due to the specific place they occupy.