William McKinley justified annexation of the Philippines because, according to McKinley, the United States:

Select one:
a. Needed to bring civilization to the Filipinos.
b. Needed the islands for business and trade.
c. Felt the Filipinos were not ready for self-government.
d. Needed to Christianize the Filipinos.
e. All of the above.

I think all of the above



You are correct. According to William McKinley, the United States justified the annexation of the Philippines for multiple reasons. McKinley believed that the U.S. needed to bring civilization to the Filipinos, as he considered their society to be underdeveloped. He also saw the Philippines as an opportunity for business and trade, emphasizing the economic benefits of acquiring the islands. Additionally, McKinley felt that the Filipinos were not ready for self-government, as he believed they required American guidance. Lastly, there was an element of religious motivation, as some Americans believed in the need to Christianize the Filipinos. Therefore, the correct answer is e. All of the above.

To determine the correct answer, we need to evaluate the justifications provided by William McKinley for the annexation of the Philippines.

One way to find this information is to study historical documents and speeches given by McKinley related to the Philippines. These primary sources can reveal McKinley's thoughts and reasoning behind the annexation.

Here are some steps you can take to find the answer:

1. Start by researching primary sources such as McKinley's speeches, official documents, and letters related to the annexation of the Philippines. These can be found in historical archives, libraries, or online databases specializing in historical documents.

2. Look for instances where McKinley made statements or provided justifications regarding the annexation. Pay close attention to speeches or statements made before or during the process of annexation.

3. Analyze the content of these primary sources to identify McKinley's main justifications. Look for statements related to the need for civilization, business and trade interests, the Filipinos' readiness for self-government, and the desire to Christianize the Filipinos. Take note of any patterns or recurring themes in his justifications.

4. Compare the justifications found in the primary sources to the answer choices given: (a) Needed to bring civilization to the Filipinos, (b) Needed the islands for business and trade, (c) Felt the Filipinos were not ready for self-government, and (d) Needed to Christianize the Filipinos.

5. Based on your research and analysis, determine which answer choice aligns with the justifications provided by McKinley.

Note: Since McKinley is the one justifying the annexation, it is essential to consider his perspective and reasoning rather than making assumptions based on our own beliefs or biases.

Please follow these steps to find the correct answer based on historical evidence and McKinley's justifications.