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A number p divided by 7

9 times a number a

6 times a number c, minus 5

a nujmber m divided by m, plus 89

the product of 0.8 and a number y
0.8 x y

1/2 more than a number b 1/2+b

I have to write an inequality need help
An artist withdrew $14 from a bank in each of the last three weeks and still has more than $65. How much did he start with?

1. Correct

2. Correct but it can be also written as 9a

3. Correct

4. Incorrect

5. Again, correct but it can be written as 0.8y

6. Correct, you can also write this as 0.5b + b

To write the inequality, we need to determine the amount of money the artist started with. Let's call the starting amount "x."

The artist withdrew $14 from the bank each week, so the total amount withdrawn over three weeks is 3 * $14 = $42.

The artist still has more than $65, so we can express this as an inequality:

x - $42 > $65.

To find the starting amount, we can solve the inequality for x:

x > $65 + $42
x > $107.

Therefore, the artist started with more than $107.