In a nominal data set, what is the preferred measure of central tendency?


In a nominal data set, where the data consist of categories or labels that cannot be ranked in any meaningful order, the preferred measure of central tendency is the mode.

To find the mode of a nominal data set, you need to determine the category or label that appears most frequently.

Here are the steps to find the mode in a nominal data set:

1. Organize your data: List all the categories or labels in your nominal data set.

2. Count the frequency: Count how many times each category or label appears in the data set.

3. Identify the mode: Identify the category or label that has the highest frequency. This category or label is considered the mode in a nominal data set.

Please note that unlike in numerical data sets, there is no arithmetic calculation involved in finding the mode of a nominal data set. It simply requires counting the frequencies and determining the category with the highest frequency.