11/21 or 9/17. which one is greater and what is the work/common denominaters

17 is a prime number so the LCD is 21*17 = 357

11/21 * 17/17 = 187/357

9/17 * 21/21 = 189/357

189 is bigger than 187


-79 9/17

To determine which fraction is greater between 11/21 and 9/17, you can find a common denominator and compare the numerators.

To find a common denominator, you need to find the least common multiple (LCM) of the denominators, which in this case are 21 and 17.

One way to find the LCM is by multiplying the denominators together (21 * 17 = 357) and then dividing the product by their greatest common divisor (GCD).

Now, let's compare the fractions using the common denominator of 357.

11/21 can be converted to an equivalent fraction with a denominator of 357:
(11/21) * (17/17) = 187/357

9/17 can be converted to an equivalent fraction with a denominator of 357:
(9/17) * (21/21) = 189/357

Now, we can see that the numerator of 11/21 (187) is smaller than the numerator of 9/17 (189), with both fractions having the same denominator (357).

Therefore, 9/17 is greater than 11/21.