Which of the following makes the sentence true?

7t + 26=61


7t + 26=61

7t = 35

t = ?


I don't understand

idk i got it online

Bro -- I think your brain is still shut down. You obviously do not understand this question.

7t = 35

Divide both sides of the equation by 7.

t = 35/7

t = ?

Thanks Ms. Sue

You're welcome, Amy.

LOL u r right i feel like im gonna die

To find the value of "t" that makes the equation 7t + 26 = 61 true, you need to solve the equation.

First, subtract 26 from both sides of the equation to isolate the term with "t."

7t + 26 - 26 = 61 - 26

This simplifies to:

7t = 35

Next, divide both sides of the equation by 7 to solve for "t."

7t/7 = 35/7

Simplifying further:

t = 5

So, the value of "t" that makes the equation true is 5.

Now, let's check if any of the given options (3, 5, 7, 9) satisfy the equation. Plugging in each value for "t" in the equation:

For t = 3:
7(3) + 26 = 21 + 26 = 47 ≠ 61

For t = 5:
7(5) + 26 = 35 + 26 = 61 (Satisfies the equation)

For t = 7:
7(7) + 26 = 49 + 26 = 75 ≠ 61

For t = 9:
7(9) + 26 = 63 + 26 = 89 ≠ 61

So, the only value of "t" that makes the equation true is 5.