jackie kept $75 out of the $80 she found on the streets of nyc what percentage did she use

What do you think -- Chelsea/liyah?

chelsea is my sister

Then ask her for help with this problem. We showed her how to do a lot of these problems this evening.

To find out the percentage of money that Jackie used out of the $80 she found, we need to calculate the difference between the amount she kept and the total amount she found.

Amount Jackie used = Total amount found - Amount kept
Amount Jackie used = $80 - $75
Amount Jackie used = $5

To calculate the percentage, we'll use the following formula:

Percentage = (Amount used / Total amount) * 100

Percentage = ($5 / $80) * 100
Percentage = 0.0625 * 100
Percentage = 6.25%

Therefore, Jackie used 6.25% of the money she found.
