A Chinese family was usually headed by...

A. Oldest relative.
B. Strongest man.
C. Oldest woman.
D. Oldest man****

I think it's D but I'm not too sure.

Yes, D. is correct.

Thank you!

You're welcome.

Ms. Sue you make jiskha a great homework help website :)

Hello can you please give all 5 answers?

Ms.Sue you awlways make sure that the answers are right or wrong im only here since my grades are low and im scared I will be held back

Yes this is a good website

this is

You are correct, the answer is D. In traditional Chinese culture, family hierarchies were typically based on age and seniority. The Chinese family was usually headed by the oldest man, who held the most authority and responsibility. He was considered the patriarch of the family and played a central role in making important decisions and managing family affairs. This practice reflects the importance placed on wisdom, experience, and respect for elders in Chinese society. To arrive at this answer, it is helpful to have a general knowledge of Chinese cultural practices and traditions.