Using household bleach and saltwater of the same molarity, describe the quantities of each that would me needed to make 30 ml of a solution that contained 50% of the hypochlorite in household bleach.

To determine the quantities of household bleach and saltwater needed to make a 30 ml solution that contains 50% of the hypochlorite in household bleach, we need to consider the molarity of both substances.

1. Calculate the desired amount of hypochlorite in the final solution:
The solution should contain 50% of the hypochlorite in household bleach. Since household bleach typically contains sodium hypochlorite (NaClO), we need to find the molarity of sodium hypochlorite in household bleach. Let's assume it is M.

The desired amount of hypochlorite in the solution is calculated as follows:
Desired hypochlorite (in moles) = (50/100) * 30 * M

2. Calculate the required volume of household bleach:
We need to find the molarity of sodium hypochlorite in household bleach to determine the amount of bleach required to obtain the desired amount of hypochlorite.

Let V1 be the volume of household bleach required to achieve the desired amount of hypochlorite.

Molarity (M) = (moles of solute) / (volume of solution in liters)
M = (moles of sodium hypochlorite) / (volume of household bleach in liters)
M = (moles of sodium hypochlorite) / V1

Since we know that household bleach contains sodium hypochlorite, we can write:
V1 = (desired hypochlorite in moles) / M

3. Calculate the required volume of saltwater:
We need to determine the volume of saltwater (with the same molarity as household bleach) needed to obtain the desired amount of hypochlorite.

Let V2 be the volume of saltwater needed.

Since the molarity of saltwater is the same as household bleach:
M = (moles of solute) / (volume of solution in liters)
M = (moles of sodium chloride) / (V2 liters)

Since household bleach also contains sodium chloride (NaCl), we can write:
V2 = (desired hypochlorite in moles) / (moles of sodium chloride)

Note: The molarity of household bleach and saltwater may require additional information or experimental measurements to determine accurately.

By following these steps, you can calculate the precise quantities of household bleach and saltwater required to make a 30 ml solution containing 50% of the hypochlorite in household bleach.

To calculate the quantities of household bleach and saltwater needed to make a 50% hypochlorite solution in 30 ml, we need to consider the molarity of both solutions.

First, let's assume that the molarity of the household bleach is "M1" (unit: moles per liter) and the molarity of the saltwater is "M2" (also in moles per liter).

To find the quantities of the solutions needed, we can follow these steps:

Step 1: Find the number of moles of hypochlorite needed in the final solution.
Since we want to make a 30 ml solution containing 50% hypochlorite, the amount of hypochlorite required is:
moles of hypochlorite = (50/100) * 30 ml * M (molarity of the final solution)

Step 2: Find the number of moles of hypochlorite in household bleach.
The molarity of household bleach can be found on the label of the bleach bottle. Let's say the molarity of household bleach is M1.
moles of hypochlorite in household bleach = M1 * volume of household bleach used (in liters)

Step 3: Find the number of moles of hypochlorite in saltwater.
Since saltwater does not contain hypochlorite, the moles of hypochlorite in saltwater is zero.

Step 4: Find the quantities of household bleach and saltwater required.
Using the equation:
moles of hypochlorite = moles of hypochlorite in household bleach + moles of hypochlorite in saltwater
We can calculate the quantities as follows:

Volume of household bleach (in liters) = moles of hypochlorite / M1
Volume of saltwater (in liters) = 0

Finally, we convert the volumes from liters to milliliters (ml) by multiplying by 1000.

Please note that the actual molarity of household bleach and saltwater, as well as the instructions on the bleach bottle, should be followed for safety purposes.

What's the problem with taking 15 mL of the regular household bleach and adding salt water to make 30 mL of solution. That will dilute the initial bleach by a factor of 2 and it will be just 1/2 what you started with.