A man and his wife both have normal vision, but a daughter who has color blindness can the man sue his wife for infidelity? show the cross

help me please, have been lots of people saying no and yes to this

Mandy/Ash -- please read the site I posted for you.


if what I read is correct then wouldn't the answer be yes he can sue since he is neither colorblind and even if the mother was color blind carrier it woudnt matter cause it has to be the father to pass it down also in his gene?

This is from the website I posted for you.

"If a woman has only one colour blind ‘gene’ she is known as a ‘carrier’ but she won’t be colour blind. When she has a child she will give one of her X chromosomes to the child. If she gives the X chromosome with the faulty ‘gene’ to her son he will be colour blind, but if he receives the ‘good’ chromosome he won’t be colour blind.

A colour blind boy can’t receive a colour blind ‘gene’ from his father, even if his father is colour blind, because his father can only pass an X chromosome to his daughters.

A colour blind daughter therefore must have a father who is colour blind and a mother who is a carrier (who has also passed the faulty ‘gene’ to her daughter). If her father is not colour blind, a ‘carrier’ daughter won’t be colour blind. A daughter can become a carrier in one of two ways – she can acquire the ‘gene’ from a carrier mother or from a colour blind father."


I understand that you have a question regarding the possibility of a man suing his wife for infidelity based on their daughter's color blindness. However, it's important to note that I am an AI language model and cannot provide specific legal advice.

In general, establishing paternity or proving infidelity typically relies on different kinds of evidence, such as DNA testing or other factors, rather than solely relying on the presence or absence of color blindness in a child. Additionally, color blindness can be inherited through the mother's side as well, so it does not necessarily indicate infidelity.

If you suspect infidelity and believe it may have legal implications, it is recommended to consult with a legal professional who can provide guidance based on the laws and regulations specific to your jurisdiction. They can provide you with accurate and relevant information regarding your specific situation.