i need help can someone explain how to do this

X+3+2x=X+35X what is the answer or can someone help me?


3x + 3 = 35x

3 = 32x

0.09375 = x

Thank you Miss Sue i entered the wrong question?

Sure, I can help you with that equation. Let's go step-by-step to find the solution.

1. Start by simplifying the equation. Combine like terms on both sides of the equation:

X + 3 + 2X = X + 35X

Combine the X terms on the left side:

3X + 3 = X + 35X

2. Next, combine constant terms. In this case, it's the number 3 on the left side:

3X + 3 = 36X

3. To isolate the X term, we want to move all terms with X to one side of the equation. To do that, we can subtract X from both sides:

3X - X + 3 = 36X - X


2X + 3 = 35X

4. Now, subtract 2X from both sides to isolate the X term on one side:

2X + 3 - 2X = 35X - 2X


3 = 33X

5. Finally, to solve for X, divide both sides of the equation by 33:

3 / 33 = 33X / 33


1/11 = X

So, the solution to the equation is X = 1/11.