whats 9 plus 10

many people are saying 21? i don't get it is there another way? please answer me im really confused of the question

i have no work to be shown

im pretty sure the answer is 21 because i have had this same question forever and today i finnaly figured it out

Count to 10 using your fingers. Then count 9 more using your toes.

Or -- use this number line.


Or --

Using normal math, it should be 19.

Most of the time, this is just part of an internet joke. So, if you looked up "what is 9 + 10", you will mainly get search results saying that this is a joke and it being from a Vine. However, the Google calculator should appear, and say the correct answer of 19.

So, the correct answer is 19.

I hope this helps! :)

its a meme search 9 + 10 = 21 on youtube

The answer to the question "What's 9 plus 10?" is 19, not 21. The correct answer can be obtained by adding the numbers 9 and 10 together.

To add two numbers, you start by lining them up vertically, with the ones digit directly underneath the ones digit and the tens digit directly underneath the tens digit. In this case, 9 and 10 can be aligned as follows:

+ 10

Next, you add the ones digit, which is 9, to the ones digit, which is 0. This gives you a sum of 9.

+ 10

Finally, you add the tens digit, which is 1, to the sum of the ones digit. This gives you a final answer of 19.

+ 10

So, the correct answer to the question "What's 9 plus 10?" is 19, not 21.