Rafi is upgrading his cell phone and monthly service plan.Triax Cell offers a new phone for $50 and unlimited service for a monthly fee of $40.CellUR offers a new phone and unlimited service for a monthly fee of $50. After how many months will the cost of the two phones and monthly service fees be the same?

What does CellUR charge for a new phone?

To find out after how many months the cost of the two phones and monthly service fees will be the same, we need to set up an equation and find the solution.

Let's assume that the number of months it takes for the costs to be the same is represented by 'm'.

For Triax Cell:
The cost of the new phone is $50, and the monthly service fee is $40. So the cost of Triax Cell after 'm' months can be calculated as:
Cost of Triax Cell = $50 (new phone) + $40 (monthly service fee) × 'm'

For CellUR:
The cost of the new phone is also $50, and the monthly service fee is $50. So the cost of CellUR after 'm' months can be calculated as:
Cost of CellUR = $50 (new phone) + $50 (monthly service fee) × 'm'

To find the value of 'm' when the costs are the same, we can set up the equation:
$50 + $40m = $50 + $50m

Let's solve it:
$40m - $50m = $50 - $50
- $10m = $0
m = $0 / -$10
m = 0

Therefore, the costs of the two phones and monthly service fees will be the same after 0 months. This means the costs are already the same from the beginning.