Alyssa estimates she needs 3 hours of repair work. She chooses the company that is less expensive for the 3 hour job. How much will Alyssa spend on the roof repair?

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What does each company charge per hour?


To calculate the total amount Alyssa will spend on the roof repair, we need more information. Specifically, we need to know the costs charged by the two different companies she is considering. Once we have that information, we can multiply the cost per hour by the number of hours required for repair to find the total cost.

Let's say Company A charges $50 per hour and Company B charges $60 per hour. Since Alyssa estimates she needs 3 hours of repair work, we can calculate the total cost for each company as follows:

Total Cost for Company A = $50 per hour * 3 hours = $150
Total Cost for Company B = $60 per hour * 3 hours = $180

Therefore, if Alyssa chooses the less expensive company for the 3-hour job, she will spend $150 on the roof repair.