Nine friends share pumpkin pies equally. What fraction of a pumpkin pie does each friend get ?

How many pies are there?



To find the fraction of a pumpkin pie each friend gets, we need to divide the total number of pumpkin pies by the number of friends.

Given that there are nine friends sharing the pumpkin pies equally, we can represent this situation as a division problem:

Total number of pumpkin pies ÷ Number of friends

Since it is not mentioned how many pumpkin pies are there in total, let's assume there are six pumpkin pies.

Now, we can calculate the fraction of a pumpkin pie each friend gets:

6 pumpkin pies ÷ 9 friends

To simplify the fraction, we can't divide evenly, so we need to leave it as a fraction:


Therefore, each friend gets 6/9 of a pumpkin pie.