1. Directions: Type your response in the box.

Part A: Which two numbers represented by dots on the number line above are opposites?

Part B: Explain how the numbers' relationship to 0 makes them opposites.

the dots are -15, -5, 10, 15, 20, 25, and 35

please i need to get the answers asap. don't just ignore mine and others while you answer the newest ones.


Part A: The two numbers that are opposites on the number line above are -15 and 15.

Part B: The numbers' relationship to 0 makes them opposites because they are equidistant from 0 but lie on opposite sides of it. In this case, -15 is 15 units to the left of 0, while 15 is 15 units to the right of 0. They have equal magnitude but different signs, which defines them as opposites.

Part A: To determine which two numbers represented by dots on the number line are opposites, we need to identify the pairs of numbers that are equidistant from 0 but on opposite sides of 0.

Looking at the number line with dots at -15, -5, 10, 15, 20, 25, and 35, we can see that the dots at -15 and 15 are equidistant from 0 but on opposite sides. Therefore, -15 and 15 are the two numbers that are opposites.

Part B: The relationship between numbers and 0 determines whether they are opposites. In this case, the numbers -15 and 15 are opposites because they are equidistant from 0 but on opposite sides of 0. When we talk about opposites, we are referring to numbers that have the same magnitude but have opposite signs.

In the number line, 0 serves as the reference point or the origin. Negative numbers are represented to the left of 0, whereas positive numbers are represented to the right of 0. When we consider -15, we can see that it is 15 units to the left of 0. Similarly, 15 is 15 units to the right of 0. Both numbers have the same distance from 0, but their signs are opposite (-15 is negative, and 15 is positive). This makes them opposites.