Which of the following process skills is generally more important for use with older children?

A. Observing
B. Communicating
C. Classifying
D. Predicting

my answer I think is c.

What is meant by "older children"?

ages 5-8?
ages 9-11?
or what?

the question is not specific.

Then go back into your text and see how they define "younger" and "older" children ... or find something in there that would indicate such distinctions to you.

And don't say you don't have a text. Without a text, just about all you have is guesswork or Google.

I reread the chapter and I find the answer.is d.

That's good. Predicting is based on abstract thinking, which usually 'kicks in' about age 10.

The answer was correct.

I had 100 point in my exam.

How wonderful! Congrats!!


To determine which of the given process skills is generally more important for use with older children, we can analyze the options and consider their relevance in older children's development.

A. Observing: Observing means using the senses to gather information about objects or events. This skill is essential at all ages for gathering data and making inferences. However, older children tend to have better-developed observational skills compared to younger children, so it may not be as important in terms of prioritization.

B. Communicating: Communicating involves expressing and exchanging information through various means such as speaking, writing, or non-verbal methods. Communication skills are crucial for older children as they navigate more complex social interactions, express their thoughts, and collaborate with others. Strong communication is vital for academic success, healthy relationships, and personal growth. Therefore, this is an important skill for older children.

C. Classifying: Classifying refers to arranging, categorizing, or organizing objects or ideas based on their common characteristics. This cognitive skill is often taught in early education and continues to be important as children advance in their learning. Classifying helps older children make connections, identify patterns, and understand complex systems.

D. Predicting: Predicting involves making hypotheses or educated guesses about future events based on observed patterns or evidence. This skill requires critical thinking and the ability to draw logical conclusions. While predicting is relevant at all ages, older children tend to have more information and experiences to draw upon, making this skill increasingly important.

Considering the options, all four process skills have value in older children's development. However, if we prioritize based on overall importance, communicating (option B) stands out as a skill that has wide-reaching implications for academic, personal, and social success.

Therefore, based on this analysis, it can be concluded that option B (Communicating) is generally more important for use with older children.