Ball A Momentum Before collision is 3 kg m/s. Ball B Momentum Before Collision is 2 kg m/s. Total Momentum of Both Balls After Collision is 6 kg m/s

Ball A and Ball B are rolled so that they will collide. Does the data in the table above demonstrate the law of conservation of momentum?

A. Yes, because the total momentum before and after the collision are equal.
B. Yes, because the total momentum before and after the collision are unequal.
C. No, because the total momentum before and after the collision are equal.
D. No because the total momentum before and after the collision are unequal*********

Please help

I agree with D

To determine whether the data in the table demonstrates the law of conservation of momentum, we need to assess whether the total momentum before the collision is equal to the total momentum after the collision.

According to the table, Ball A has a momentum of 3 kg m/s before the collision, while Ball B has a momentum of 2 kg m/s before the collision.

To calculate the total momentum before the collision, we simply add the individual momenta of Ball A and Ball B:

Total momentum before = momentum of Ball A + momentum of Ball B
Total momentum before = 3 kg m/s + 2 kg m/s
Total momentum before = 5 kg m/s

Now let's consider the total momentum after the collision, which is given as 6 kg m/s in the table.

To assess whether the total momentum before and after the collision are equal or unequal:

If the total momentum before and after the collision are equal, then the data demonstrates the law of conservation of momentum. In this case, the correct answer would be A. Yes, because the total momentum before and after the collision are equal.

If the total momentum before and after the collision are unequal, then the data does not demonstrate the law of conservation of momentum. In this case, the correct answer would be D. No, because the total momentum before and after the collision are unequal.

In our case, the total momentum before the collision is 5 kg m/s, while the total momentum after the collision is 6 kg m/s. Since these values are not equal, the correct answer is D. No, because the total momentum before and after the collision are unequal.