Joe drank 4 liters of water on Monday and 4 deciliters of water on Tuesday. How much more water did he drink on Monday than on Tuesday?

4 - .4 = ?

To determine the difference in the amount of water Joe drank on Monday and Tuesday, we need to convert the units to the same value.

1 liter = 10 deciliters

So, on Monday, Joe drank 4 liters of water, which is equal to 4 x 10 = 40 deciliters.

On Tuesday, Joe drank 4 deciliters of water.

Therefore, Joe drank 40 - 4 = 36 deciliters more water on Monday than on Tuesday.

To find out how much more water Joe drank on Monday compared to Tuesday, we need to subtract the amount of water he drank on Tuesday from the amount he drank on Monday.

First, we need to convert the units so that we are working with the same measurement. We can convert the liters to deciliters since 1 liter is equal to 10 deciliters.

To convert 4 liters to deciliters, we multiply by 10:
4 liters * 10 deciliters/liter = 40 deciliters

Now we have both amounts in deciliters:
On Monday, Joe drank 40 deciliters of water.
On Tuesday, Joe drank 4 deciliters of water.

To find the difference, we subtract the amount on Tuesday from the amount on Monday:
40 deciliters - 4 deciliters = 36 deciliters

Therefore, Joe drank 36 deciliters more water on Monday than on Tuesday.