So far john has run 1/4 of the way to school and walked 3/8 of the way.What fraction of the distance to school does john have left?

1/4 = 2/8

(2/8) + 3/8) = 5/8

(8/8) - (5/8) = 3/8


its 3/8 because 1/4 is equivalent to 2/8. Now we can work with these fractions. 2/8+3/8=5/8. when you subtract you subtract the whole to the fractions so 8/8(or 1) -5/8=3/8.

if you still need help just google it or something

To find out what fraction of the distance to school John has left, we need to subtract the distance he has already covered from the total distance to school.

Let's assume the total distance to school is represented by the whole unit, which is 1. To represent fractions, we can use a common denominator, which in this case is 8 (the least common multiple of 4 and 8).

John has run 1/4 of the way to school, which is equivalent to 2/8 (since both 1/4 and 2/8 represent the same portion). He has also walked 3/8 of the way.

To determine the fraction of distance John has left, we subtract the distance he has covered (2/8 + 3/8) from the total distance (1).

Total distance - Covered distance = Remaining distance
1 - (2/8 + 3/8) = 1 - 5/8 = 3/8

Therefore, John has 3/8 of the distance to school remaining.