Hello, I can not solve problem from analytical geometry. If you can help me to find out what is wrong in my procedure and show me a better one I would be really gratefull.

There are given 3 points A(2,2,3), B (6,3,0), C(3,-1,-1). On the x ax-axis lies point X, find coordinates of that point if the volume of a tetrahedron that those points make is 26.

Thank you for your help.

put the coordinates in columns of the matrix M:

(2 6 3 x)
(2 3 -1 0)
(3 0 -1 0)
(1 1 1 1)

The volume of the tetrahedron is

1/3! |M|
= 1/6 (13x-39)
So, you want

1/6 (13x-39) = 26
13x-29 = 156
13x = 185
x = 14.23

google tetrahedron vertices volume and you can find several useful discussions. Heck, maybe even in your own textbook!

That is exactly what I did get but in results it is writen that it has two solutions X(15,0,0) and X (-9,0,0).

That is why I thought my procedure was wrong.
And I have one really similar problem and as well by this procedure I did not get the right two solutions, not even two of them as it is in results.

Hmmm. I can see that there could be two solutions -- one in front of the plane of the given points, and another behind it. But since the matrix has a linear determinant, I'm not sure how to get the other one. Need to think on that a bit.

Of course, I'd be happy to help you with this problem in analytical geometry.

To find the coordinates of point X on the x-axis, we need to solve the problem step by step. Let's begin by understanding the process of finding the volume of a tetrahedron.

The volume of a tetrahedron can be calculated using the following formula:
V = (1/6) * |(A-B) · ((C-B) x (X-B))|

Here, A, B, C are the given points, and X is the unknown point on the x-axis. The symbol |.| represents the absolute value, · represents the dot product, and x represents the cross product of two vectors.

From what you mentioned, the volume of the tetrahedron is given as 26. So, we have:
26 = (1/6) * |(A-B) · ((C-B) x (X-B))|

Let's solve this equation step by step to find the coordinates of point X.

Step 1: Finding the vectors
Let's calculate the three vectors involved in the equation:
U = A - B
V = C - B
W = X - B

Step 2: Finding the cross product
Compute the cross product of vectors V and W:
N = V x W

Step 3: Finding the dot product
Calculate the dot product of vector U and N:
P = U · N

Step 4: Solving for X
Rearrange the equation to solve for X:
(1/6) * |U · N| = 26

Solving this equation will give us the magnitude of the vector U · N. Since X lies on the x-axis, its y and z coordinates are both zero. Thus, the expression simplifies to:
(1/6) * |Ux * Nx| = 26

Solving this simplified equation will give you the x-coordinate of point X.

By following these steps, you should be able to find the coordinates of point X on the x-axis. If you need further assistance or clarification, please let me know.