A book contains 192 pages. A boy reads x complete pages everyday. If he has not finished the book after 10 days, find the highest possible value of x.


x=19(possible value)


My assignment

To find the highest possible value of x, we need to consider the scenario where the boy reads the maximum number of complete pages each day.

We know that the total number of pages in the book is 192 and the boy reads x complete pages every day. So, after 10 days, the number of pages he would have read is 10x.

To find the highest possible value of x, we need to maximize 10x such that it does not exceed the total number of pages in the book. In this case, 10x should be less than or equal to 192.

Therefore, the inequality is 10x ≤ 192.

To solve this inequality, we divide both sides of the equation by 10:

10x/10 ≤ 192/10

Simplifying, we get:

x ≤ 19.2

Since x represents the number of complete pages the boy reads in a day, it cannot be a decimal or fraction. Thus, the highest possible value of x is 19 pages.


since 10*19 = 190 and 10*20 = 200, what do you think?