Deposit is $15 and coat of hour is $4.20 so write an equation to represent the total cost y renting a tube for any number of hours x.

15 + 4.2x = y

To write an equation representing the total cost of renting a tube for any number of hours, we need to consider two components: the initial deposit and the cost per hour.

Let's break down the information given:

The initial deposit is $15. This means that regardless of the number of hours rented, $15 is already paid.

The cost per hour is $4.20. This means that for each hour of rental, an additional $4.20 is charged.

Based on this, we can write the equation:

Total cost (y) = Initial deposit + Cost per hour * Number of hours (x)


y = $15 + $4.20x

This equation represents the total cost (y) of renting a tube for any number of hours (x), taking into account the initial deposit and the cost per hour.