I am doing project and need some assisting. Please help me. This only part I need do.

In this system, it is important that the tribes inhabitants know about recitatives and how they describes such relationship.Identify if they only speak of living members of a kinship group and never speak the name of deceased members. Identify if they are related by blood, marriage. Provide any rules of descent that help identify the nature of the relationship to members of the culture are related if at all, and one element if they or a patrilineal or matrilineal social group,to link to political systems.

What are "recitatives?"

To which tribes are you referring?

I am sorry Ms. Sue, I meant relationship. I name the tribe Chiauza. Its a made up name,

If it's a made-up name and a fictional tribe, you can follow the rest of the assignment any way you want.

I understand what you saying Ms. Sue. Can you start me off, by relating to the first part and I can go from there. Please Ms. Sue, I need your assisting just a little. I am not asking for too much. Just give me a push.Thanks Ms.Sue

The people know about their living relatives by the proximity of their homes. They know about deceased relatives through information and stories passed orally from one generation to the next.

Thank you Ms. Sue!!! you are beautiful

You are very welcome, Casey.


What did I just stumble upon

To answer your question, you would need to study the specific culture or tribe you are referring to in order to understand their practices and beliefs regarding recitatives, kinship groups, and naming conventions. Here's a step-by-step guide on how to conduct research and gather the necessary information for your project:

1. Research the culture or tribe: Start by learning about the specific culture or tribe you are studying. Look for books, academic articles, or reliable online sources that provide information on their customs, social structure, and kinship systems.

2. Understand recitatives: Familiarize yourself with the concept of recitatives within the culture or tribe. Determine if recitatives are a common practice and how they are used to describe relationships. Look for sources that explain the significance of recitatives and their role in maintaining social connections.

3. Kinship groups: Identify the kinship groups within the culture or tribe. Determine if the recitatives only apply to living members of these groups and if deceased members are excluded from such references. Analyze the reasons behind this distinction, if present, and any cultural beliefs or taboos associated with mentioning deceased members.

4. Blood and marriage relations: Investigate how the culture or tribe defines relationships based on blood ties or marriage. Determine if the recitatives only refer to individuals who are biologically related or if they include individuals who have joined the kinship group through marriage. Look for sources that explain the rules and customs governing blood and marriage relations in this context.

5. Rules of descent: Explore any rules of descent that exist within the culture or tribe. These rules define how lineage and kinship are traced and can provide insights into the nature of relationships among members. Determine if there are specific patterns, such as patrilineal or matrilineal descent, which influence social organization and inheritance practices.

6. Link to political systems: Investigate if there is a connection between the kinship system, recitatives, and the political structure of the culture or tribe. Look for sources that discuss how social groups and kinship ties influence political organization, leadership roles, or decision-making processes.

Remember to cite your sources properly and critically evaluate the information you gather. Cross-reference multiple sources to ensure accuracy and seek out primary sources whenever possible.