Sondra is trying to figure out how much fence material to

buy for her rectangular garden. The garden is 18 feet
long, and its width is 1/3 of its length. How many
yards of fencing should she buy?

18 feet = 6 yards

(1/3) * 6 = 2 yards

P = 2L + 2W
P = (2 * 6) + (2 * 2)

P = ?

Hi the awnser is Byeya

To find out how many yards of fencing Sondra should buy, we first need to calculate the perimeter of the rectangular garden.

The length of the garden is given as 18 feet.

The width is stated to be 1/3 of the length. This means the width is (1/3) * 18 = 6 feet.

Now, let's calculate the perimeter. The perimeter of a rectangle is given by the formula P = 2(length + width).

Substituting the values, we have:

P = 2(18 + 6)
P = 2(24)
P = 48 feet

Since we want the answer in yards, we need to convert the feet to yards because there are 3 feet in a yard.

Converting 48 feet to yards:

48 feet * (1 yard / 3 feet) = 16 yards

Therefore, Sondra should buy 16 yards of fencing for her rectangular garden.