a tsunami originating in japan has a wavelength of 10^5 m and a period of 10 mins. how long does it take to travel 8000km?

To calculate the time it takes for a tsunami to travel a certain distance, we can use the wave speed formula:

Wave speed = Wavelength / Period

First, we need to convert the wavelength from meters to kilometers, since the distance is given in kilometers. 1 kilometer is equal to 1000 meters, so we can convert the wavelength:

Wavelength = 10^5 m = 10^5 / 1000 km = 100 km

Next, we calculate the wave speed:

Wave speed = 100 km / 10 mins = 10 km/min

Now, we can calculate the time it takes to travel 8000 km:

Time = Distance / Speed

Time = 8000 km / 10 km/min

By dividing 8000 km by the speed of 10 km/min, we find that it takes 800 minutes for the tsunami to travel 8000 km.

However, to express the time in hours and minutes, we can convert 800 minutes:

800 minutes = 800 minutes / 60 minutes/hour = 13 hours and 20 minutes.

So, it takes approximately 13 hours and 20 minutes for the tsunami originating in Japan to travel 8000 km.