Sandi counted all the parallelograms of any size she could find in the design below how many parallelograms are there in all

We can't see the design.

To find the number of parallelograms in the given design, we can follow these steps:

1. Examine the design carefully and understand the properties of a parallelogram. A parallelogram is a quadrilateral with opposite sides parallel and equal in length.
2. Start by looking for smaller parallelograms within the design. Count all the individual parallelograms you find.
3. Move on to larger parallelograms. Look for groups of smaller parallelograms that form larger ones. Count the larger parallelograms as well.
4. Be systematic in your approach. Start from one corner of the design and move across it, counting as you go. Make sure not to miss any parallelograms.
5. Repeat this process for each corner of the design until you have covered the entire layout.
6. After counting all the parallelograms, sum up the total number to find the answer.

Unfortunately, without a specific image or description of the design you're referring to, I am unable to provide an accurate answer to this question. Please provide more details or upload an image of the design for me to analyze.