Farmer fred has 200 sheep on his farm he sells 40 of them what percentage of his sheep does he have left?

I'm stuck on my homework of this question so thanks for telling me guys 💙

( 2000 - 40 ) / 200 = 160 / 200 = 40 * 4 / ( 40 * 5 ) = 4 / 5 = 0.8 = 0.8 * 100 % = 80 %

the answer is 80%. but i don't know how to explain so sorry

The answer is 80% so first you do 200 take away 40 and then you get the answer(160)then you find a fraction of 45 (4/5) write as a decimal (0.8) then times by 100 to get (80) add percentage done. :) P.S: I got the 45 from... Sorry I have to go bye.

tnx for helping

80% totaly

lmao what level r u 1c? ITS 80%