A minor is held responsible for the fair value of

A. athletic shoes
C. medical care
D. video games

I chose C.

this makes no sense to me.

To determine which option is correct, we need to understand what a minor is and whether they can be held responsible for certain items.

A minor is someone who is under the legal age of majority, which varies depending on the jurisdiction. Minors often lack the legal capacity to enter into contracts and may have limited liability for their actions. As a result, their responsibility for certain items can vary.

To answer this question, we need to consider whether a minor can be held responsible for the fair value of each item listed: athletic shoes, CDS, medical care, and video games.

Option A: Athletic Shoes
Minors can generally be held responsible for the fair value of athletic shoes they may have purchased. If they entered into a contract to buy the shoes, they would have to fulfill their contractual obligations.
However, it's worth noting that in some cases, minors may have limited liability or be able to disaffirm contracts.

Option B: CDS (Compact Discs)
CDS are typically considered personal property, and minors can be held responsible for personal property they may have damaged or lost. However, if the minor obtained the CDS through a contract, there might be limitations depending on the jurisdiction's laws.

Option C: Medical Care
Minors are generally not held responsible for the fair value of their medical care. Parents or legal guardians typically assume responsibility for medical expenses incurred by minors. Minors are usually considered financially dependent on their parents or guardians until they reach the age of majority.

Option D: Video Games
Similar to athletic shoes and CDS, a minor can potentially be held responsible for the fair value of a video game they may have purchased or damaged. However, the exact circumstances would depend on the specific contractual arrangements or applicable laws.

Based on the explanations above, it seems that option C, medical care, is the correct answer. Minors are not typically held responsible for the fair value of medical care they receive.