Through which are the chromosomes, transmitted according to the path of transmission of factors from the parental generation to offspring's as indicated by Mendle? (1) hereditary chapters (2) evolution (3) heredity (4) gametes

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According to Mendel's principles of inheritance, the transmission of factors from the parental generation to offspring's occurs through gametes. Therefore, the correct option is (4) gametes.

To understand this concept, we need to go through the basics of Mendel's experiments. Gregor Mendel, a scientist who is known as the father of modern genetics, conducted experiments on pea plants in the mid-19th century. He observed and recorded patterns of inheritance in traits such as height, flower color, and seed shape.

During his experiments, Mendel found that each parent contributes a pair of factors (later known as genes) that determine specific traits in their offspring. These pairs of factors are located on chromosomes, which are thread-like structures found in the cell nucleus. Chromosomes contain the genetic information that is passed down from parents to offspring.

Mendel discovered that these factors (genes) were transmitted from parents to offspring through specialized reproductive cells called gametes. Gametes are produced through a process known as meiosis, which results in the formation of sex cells (sperm and egg cells in animals, pollen and ovules in plants).

When gametes from the male (sperm) and female (eggs) parent combine during fertilization, they form a new organism with a unique combination of genes inherited from both parents. This process ensures the transmission of characteristics from one generation to the next.

In summary, Mendel's principles of inheritance illustrate that the transmission of factors (genes) from the parental generation to offspring occurs through gametes.