sally singleton's batting average is 0.375 and she has been at bat 120 times. How many times has sally hit the ball?

pls help

.375 = 3/8

(3/8)120 = 3*15 = 45

Total run by sally singletons=0.375*120

So sally singletons hit the ball 45 times

To calculate the number of hits Sally has, you can multiply her batting average by the number of times she has been at bat.

First, convert Sally's batting average from the decimal form (0.375) to a percentage by multiplying it by 100:
0.375 x 100 = 37.5%

Next, multiply Sally's batting average percentage by the number of times she has been at bat:
37.5% x 120 = 0.375 x 120 = 45

So, Sally has hit the ball 45 times.