Does the sun move to the west and accelerate east?

No, the Sun does not move to the west and accelerate east. Instead, it appears to move across the sky from east to west due to the rotation of the Earth on its axis. The Earth rotates from west to east, causing the Sun to appear to move from east to west. This rotation of the Earth is responsible for day and night.

The Sun itself does not actually move across the sky. Instead, it remains relatively stationary in our solar system while the Earth orbits around it. This motion of the Earth around the Sun is what causes the apparent movement of the Sun in the sky. It takes the Earth approximately 24 hours to complete one full rotation on its axis, resulting in a day and night cycle.

If you want to observe the apparent movement of the Sun, you can simply look towards the eastern horizon in the morning and watch as the Sun rises. As the day progresses, the Sun will appear to move across the sky towards the western horizon, and eventually set. This movement occurs due to the Earth's rotation, not any acceleration or movement of the Sun itself.