What career will I study when I finish my matric and how must I pass or how must the levels be like?

What do YOU want to do?

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Determining what career to study after completing your matric (secondary school) depends on your interests, skills, and future goals. To make an informed decision, you can follow these steps:

1. Self-assessment: Consider your strengths, interests, and values. Reflect on the subjects you enjoyed and excelled in during your matric.

2. Research careers: Explore different occupations that align with your interests. Look for careers that require the subjects you performed well in or that appeal to your skills and passions. Online resources such as government career websites, professional associations, and career interest assessments can be helpful.

3. Gather information: Once you have identified a few potential career paths, gather more information about each one. Research the required qualifications, educational pathways, job prospects, earning potential, and any necessary certifications or licenses.

4. Consider your options: Evaluate the pros and cons of each career, taking factors like job market demand, salary, work-life balance, and personal satisfaction into account. It may also be useful to speak with professionals working in those fields and inquire about their experiences.

5. Make a decision: Based on your self-assessment, research, and consideration of options, choose a career path that aligns with your interests, strengths, and long-term goals.

Regarding passing and levels, it's essential to understand the grading system in your specific education system or country. In most cases, passing matric/secondary school requires achieving a certain percentage or grade in each subject. Generally, a specific percentage or grade is designated as a passing threshold, but this may vary depending on your education system. It is crucial to consult your school or education authority for the exact criteria for passing matric.

Additionally, for certain careers, specific tertiary education or training is required beyond matric. Each field may have different entrance requirements, such as specific subject combinations or minimum grade thresholds. Therefore, it's crucial to research the specific entry requirements of the career you are interested in pursuing after matric.