Ellen is playing a video game in which she captures butterflies. There are 3 butterflies onscreen, but the number of butterflies doubles every minute. After 4 minutes, she was able to capture 7 of the butterflies.
A)LOOK FOR A PATTERN. Write an expression for the number of butterflies after 4 minutes. Use a power of 2 in your answer.
B)Write an expression for the number of butterflies remaining after Ellen captured the 7 butterflies. Evaluate the expression.

I need help

Is this a cheat?

Very usefull when you need help.

Thank you. That was very helpful. Idk what y’all are talking about. This WAS useful... To me anyways


3 x (2 to the power of 4) - 7 = (48 - 7) = 41

This is what should be the answer,
let me explain so PEMDAS 2^4= 2x2=4x2=8x2=16 x 3 = 48<--- total amount of butterflies. BUT Ellen degeneres already stole 7, so we get the total butterflies
and get the ones she stole
and subtract
48-7= 41

Yay! now this is some legit work you can copy off of

part 2 of the question!

answer is 41 all you need to put

I thought this was HELPFUL. IDK what you people talking about. It sounds like y'all in a bad mood πŸ‘Œ.

THIS WAS NOT THAT HELPFUL YA KNOW! whomever made this clearly had no brains.

Thank you for helping 😁