1.Quadrilateral GHJK has vertices at the following coordinates: G(-2,-6), H(-8,-8), J(-6,-2), and K(0,0), what would be the new vertices if the quadrilateral was dilated by the scale factor of 1.5?

Could please maybe explain in details

I did but I still don't get it. Should I multiply the number in the parenthesis by the scale factor

To dilate a point on a coordinate plane, you need to multiply its coordinates by the scale factor. In this case, the scale factor is 1.5.

Let's start with vertex G(-2,-6):

- Multiply the x-coordinate (-2) by the scale factor (1.5): -2 * 1.5 = -3.
- Multiply the y-coordinate (-6) by the scale factor (1.5): -6 * 1.5 = -9.

So the new coordinates for G' are (-3, -9).

Next, let's move on to vertex H(-8,-8):

- Multiply the x-coordinate (-8) by the scale factor (1.5): -8 * 1.5 = -12.
- Multiply the y-coordinate (-8) by the scale factor (1.5): -8 * 1.5 = -12.

So the new coordinates for H' are (-12, -12).

Now, vertex J(-6,-2):

- Multiply the x-coordinate (-6) by the scale factor (1.5): -6 * 1.5 = -9.
- Multiply the y-coordinate (-2) by the scale factor (1.5): -2 * 1.5 = -3.

So the new coordinates for J' are (-9, -3).

Lastly, vertex K(0,0):

- Multiply the x-coordinate (0) by the scale factor (1.5): 0 * 1.5 = 0.
- Multiply the y-coordinate (0) by the scale factor (1.5): 0 * 1.5 = 0.

So the new coordinates for K' are (0, 0).

In summary, after dilating the quadrilateral GHJK by a scale factor of 1.5, the new vertices are:

G'(-3, -9)
H'(-12, -12)
J'(-9, -3)
K'(0, 0)

Hey Daisy. Plot your data points on desmos it'll help. Once plotted, this question is awfully easy.

Yes! Graph the data