what is the lower and upper limit for -645.321?

To determine the lower and upper limits for -645.321, we need to specify the level of precision or the number of decimal places needed in the answer. Without a specific requirement, we can assume various scenarios based on common precision levels.

Considering different precision levels:

1. Rounded to the nearest whole number:
- The lower limit would be -646, which is the whole number that is less than -645.321.
- The upper limit would be -645, which is the whole number that is greater than -645.321.

2. Rounded to one decimal place:
- The lower limit would be -645.4, which is -645.321 rounded to one decimal place.
- The upper limit would be -645.3, which is -645.321 rounded to one decimal place.

3. Rounded to two decimal places:
- The lower limit would be -645.33, which is -645.321 rounded to two decimal places.
- The upper limit would be -645.32, which is -645.321 rounded to two decimal places.

In each case, the lower limit is always a rounded-down value, while the upper limit is a rounded-up value based on the specified precision level.