Al's garden is 18 feet long and 30 feet wide he wants to put a fence post that same distance apart along both the length and the width of the fence what is the greatest distance he can put apart the fence post

What is the GCF of these two numbers?




18 foot long and 30 feet wide to put a post along the same distance apart what is the best answer

To determine the greatest distance Al can put the fence posts apart, we need to find the greatest common divisor (GCD) of the length (18 feet) and the width (30 feet) of the garden.

To find the GCD of two numbers, we can use the Euclidean algorithm, which involves repeatedly dividing one number by the other and taking the remainder as the new divisor.

Let's find the GCD of 18 and 30:

Step 1: Divide 30 by 18. The quotient is 1, and the remainder is 12.
Step 2: Divide 18 by 12. The quotient is 1, and the remainder is 6.
Step 3: Divide 12 by 6. The quotient is 2, and the remainder is 0.

Since we have obtained a remainder of 0, the last non-zero remainder (6) is the GCD of 18 and 30.

Therefore, the greatest distance Al can put the fence posts apart is 6 feet.