You should do either your homework or practice your clarinet.

To decide whether to do your homework or practice your clarinet, you can weigh the importance and urgency of each task. Here's a step-by-step approach to help you make a decision:

1. Assess deadlines: Determine if either task has a specific deadline or due date. If one of them has an immediate deadline, prioritize accordingly.

2. Consider priority: Evaluate which task is more critical or time-sensitive. If your homework is necessary for a class the next day, completing it might be a higher priority. Conversely, if you have an upcoming performance or practice session with others, practicing the clarinet may take precedence.

3. Breakdown of tasks: Analyze the workload for each task. Estimate the time required to complete your homework assignments and the amount of time you need for effective clarinet practice. If one task will take significantly longer, you may need to allocate more time towards it.

4. Balance and importance: Consider the importance of maintaining a balanced routine. If you've been neglecting your clarinet practice for a while, it might be beneficial to dedicate time to it to maintain progress and skill development.

5. Personal factors: Reflect on your personal preferences and energy level. If you're mentally exhausted and struggling with concentration, practicing the clarinet might be a more enjoyable and productive use of your time.

Ultimately, the decision rests with you, but by evaluating these factors, you can make an informed choice that aligns with your priorities and goals.