I have 75.00 and I want to buy games that cost 19.00 each. Shipping and handling costs 4.50. How many games can I buy? how much money will I have left over? (Write as an inequality and solve)

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19d +4.5 <=75


I can buy 3 games and will have $13 left

Yes. You can buy 3 games with $13 left.

Thank you so much.

You're very welcome.

To determine how many games you can buy and how much money you will have left over, we can use the concept of inequalities.

Let's denote "x" as the number of games you can buy. Since each game costs $19.00 and you have $75.00, the equation becomes:

19x + 4.50 ≤ 75.00

The left side of the equation (19x + 4.50) represents the total cost of x games plus the shipping and handling fee.

Now we need to solve the inequality for x:

19x + 4.50 ≤ 75.00

Subtract 4.50 from both sides:

19x ≤ 75.00 - 4.50
19x ≤ 70.50

Divide both sides by 19:

x ≤ 70.50 / 19
x ≤ 3.71 (rounded to two decimal places)

Since the number of games must be a whole number, we need to round down to the nearest whole number because you can't buy a fraction of a game. Therefore, you can buy a maximum of 3 games.

To find out how much money you will have left over, subtract the cost of the games from the total amount you have:

75.00 - (19.00 x 3) = 75.00 - 57.00 = 18.00

You will have $18.00 left over.

In summary:
- You can buy a maximum of 3 games.
- You will have $18.00 left over.