If I have 15.00 to spend on a phone bill each month what is the maximum number of calls I can make if the service cost 9.00 and it is $0.45 per call. Translate into inequality and solve.

What do you think?

9 +.45 (C)<=15.00

13 calls

13 is right.

To find the maximum number of calls you can make, we need to set up an inequality. Let's denote the maximum number of calls as "x". The cost of the service per month is $9.00, and the cost per call is $0.45.

The total cost of service per month, including the cost per call, can be calculated by multiplying the number of calls (x) by the cost per call ($0.45) and adding the fixed service cost of $9.00. This expression can be written as:

Total Cost = 9.00 + 0.45x

Since you have a maximum of $15.00 to spend each month, we can write the inequality as:

9.00 + 0.45x ≤ 15.00

To solve the inequality for x, we'll subtract 9.00 from both sides:

0.45x ≤ 15.00 - 9.00

0.45x ≤ 6.00

To isolate x, we'll divide both sides of the inequality by 0.45:

x ≤ 6.00 / 0.45

x ≤ 13.33

So, the maximum number of calls you can make per month, with $15.00 to spend on the phone bill, is 13.