Have Globalization and Internet Technology, two phenomena of our time, affected our aesthetics values? Please provide examples

What aesthetics values did we have before?

Who are "we?"

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This has completely revolutionized what people look for in short videos. In fact there are now many series of short videos that are distributed via YouTube

What do short videos have to do with aesthetics?

[es-thet-iks or, esp. British, ees-]
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noun, ( used with a singular verb)
the branch of philosophy dealing with such notions as the beautiful, the ugly, the sublime, the comic, etc., as applicable to the fine arts, with a view to establishing the meaning and validity of critical judgments concerning works of art, and the principles underlying or justifying such judgments.
the study of the mind and emotions in relation to the sense of beauty.

-- http://dictionary.reference.com/browse/aesthetics

Yes, both globalization and internet technology have significantly impacted our aesthetic values. Globalization refers to the increasing interconnectedness and global integration of economies, cultures, and societies. Internet technology, on the other hand, encompasses various digital platforms and tools that enable communication, information exchange, and artistic expression.

Here are some ways in which globalization and internet technology have influenced our aesthetic values:

1. Cultural Exchange: Globalization has led to the exchange of ideas, styles, and cultural practices across different countries and regions. This intermingling of diverse cultural influences has enriched our aesthetic values. For example, fashion trends now transcend borders, with people adopting styles from various cultures and integrating them into their own aesthetics.

2. Visual Representation: The internet has made it easier for artists and designers to showcase their work to a global audience. Social media platforms, websites, and digital portfolios have become popular avenues for artists to share their creations and gain recognition. This accessibility has broadened our exposure to diverse artistic forms, styles, and perspectives, expanding our aesthetic horizons.

3. Collage and Remix Culture: With the internet offering a vast repository of images, videos, and music, artists frequently engage in collage and remix culture. They incorporate existing artworks, cultural references, and digital media into their creations, resulting in unique and hybrid aesthetic forms. This trend reflects the transformative impact of internet technology on our aesthetic sensibilities.

4. Digital Art and Virtual Reality: The emergence of digital art forms, such as computer-generated imagery (CGI), virtual reality (VR), and augmented reality (AR), has redefined our notions of aesthetics. These technologies allow artists to create immersive and interactive experiences that engage multiple senses and challenge traditional artistic practices.

5. Iconic Branding and Advertising: Globalization and the internet have also influenced aesthetic values in the realm of branding and advertising. Dominant global brands often employ visually striking and culturally relevant aesthetics to appeal to a wide audience. The use of visually captivating designs, logos, and advertisements shapes our aesthetic preferences and perceptions.

To understand the specific ways in which globalization and internet technology have impacted aesthetic values, it is essential to engage with and explore diverse cultural expressions, follow online artistic communities, read art-related publications, and stay informed about technological advancements and trends in the creative industry. By actively participating and embracing these advancements, individuals can gain a deeper understanding of how these phenomena have shaped our aesthetic values.