Which word in this sentence is a personal pronoun in the objective case?

We know two tour guides, and they gave us a tour themselves.


Which word in this sentence is a personal pronoun in the objective case?

We know two tour guides, and they gave us a tour themselves.


I am going to say Us which is C

rip this website (answers arent right on most things now ill test it out for us 2019ers)

And your answer is?


ms. sue is right

To identify the personal pronoun in the objective case in the given sentence, you need to understand the roles of the pronouns in the sentence.

In the sentence, the word "We" is the first-person plural personal pronoun in the subjective case, as it is the subject of the sentence. The word "they" is also a personal pronoun, but it is in the subjective case, as it is the subject of the subordinate clause "they gave us a tour."

On the other hand, the word "us" is a personal pronoun in the objective case. It functions as the direct object of the verb "gave." The word "themselves" is an intensive pronoun, emphasizing the noun "tour guides". It does not function as a personal pronoun in this sentence.

So, the personal pronoun in the objective case in the given sentence is "us."
