1. Suppose a patient comes in to see a physician. This patient lacks the ability to keep warm

and needs to wear heavy clothing even during mild temperatures. Which system of this patient’s body should
the physician be concerned about?

A. integumentary
B. Skeletal
C. Respiratory
D. Muscular
I think it's B or A.

It's A.

I believe its A. A is the answer it is took the test at my school

I hope your right

To determine the correct answer, let's consider each system and its role in regulating body temperature.

A. Integumentary System: This system includes the skin, hair, and nails. While the skin helps regulate body temperature by sweating or constricting blood vessels, it doesn't directly address the inability to keep warm.

B. Skeletal System: The skeletal system provides support, protection, and movement. It is not directly involved in regulating body temperature.

C. Respiratory System: The respiratory system includes the lungs, trachea, and bronchi. Its primary function is to take in oxygen and release carbon dioxide. It doesn't play a direct role in regulating body temperature.

D. Muscular System: The muscular system consists of skeletal muscles, which control movement and generate body heat. When muscles contract, they produce heat, maintaining body temperature. Therefore, the lack of ability to keep warm points to a potential issue with the muscular system.

Based on this reasoning, the correct answer is D. Muscular.