What part of a nerve cell receive the nerve impulse?

Dendrite, Synapse or the Axon?

Dendrites and cell body receive impulses from axons over the small gap, the synapse.

The part of a nerve cell that receives the nerve impulse is the dendrite. Dendrites are the branched projections of a neuron that act as antennas to receive signals from other neurons. They have numerous synaptic connections and typically extend from the cell body of the neuron. When an electrical signal, called a nerve impulse, reaches the dendrites, it triggers a series of events that allow the signal to be transmitted towards the cell body and eventually to other neurons.

To find this information, you can consult a biology textbook or search online for reliable sources on nerve cells or neurons. Websites of reputable educational institutions or scientific resources can provide detailed explanations of the structure and function of nerve cells, including the role of dendrites in receiving nerve impulses.