The current population in the United States is 318,968,000. The rate is .72. What will the population be in the United States in 10 years? Show work please.

0.72 x 318,968,000 = 229,656,960

229,656,960 x 10 = 2,296,569,600

2,296,569,600 + 318,968,000 = 2,615,537,600

I hope this helps? :)

P.S. I am not sure I did it right, but please see if this helps.

To calculate the population of the United States in 10 years, we need to use the formula for exponential growth:

Population in the future = Population at present * (1 + growth rate)^number of years

Using the information provided:
Population at present = 318,968,000
Growth rate = 0.72
Number of years = 10

We can now substitute these values into the formula to calculate the future population in the United States:

Population in 10 years = 318,968,000 * (1 + 0.72)^10

Now let's solve the calculation step by step:

1. Calculate (1 + 0.72):
(1 + 0.72) = 1.72

2. Raise 1.72 to the power of 10:
1.72^10 ≈ 4.78

3. Multiply the result by the population at present:
318,968,000 * 4.78 ≈ 1,525,201,840

Therefore, the estimated population of the United States in 10 years, assuming a growth rate of 0.72, would be around 1,525,201,840.