Mr. Nikumbh

Nikumbh is an Indian name? How do you pronounce? Do you pronounce 'b' after 'm'?

I'm not sure, but I'd say it like this:

nee koom

I wouldn't pronounce the "b" but I could be wrong.

You do pronounce the "b."

Say it like nee koomb with an "h" sound at the end.

Yes, Nikumbh is an Indian name. It is a Marathi (a regional language in India) surname. In Marathi, the letter 'b' is pronounced differently compared to English. In English, 'b' is pronounced as a voiced bilabial consonant, where both lips come together to create the sound. However, in Marathi, 'b' is pronounced as an unaspirated voiced bilabial stop, which means that the air passage is completely blocked by the lips for a split second before being released.

To pronounce Nikumbh correctly in English, you can follow these steps:

1. Begin with the sound 'Nee,' like the word "knee," but without the 'k' sound at the beginning.
2. Next, pronounce the 'ku' sound, similar to the word "cook" without the 'c' sound at the beginning.
3. Lastly, end with the 'mbh' sound. Here, you would put your lips together to make the 'm' sound and then quickly release the 'b' sound without aspirating it, followed by the 'h' sound, like "umb-h" (making the 'h' sound gently).

So, when pronouncing Nikumbh, the 'b' is not specifically pronounced after the 'm.' It is more accurate to think of them merging together as a single sound, creating a smooth transition from 'm' to 'b.'