four friends want to equally share 2 2/3 feet of rope.What amount of rope should each friend get?Draw a picture to solve

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2 2/3 = 8/3

Divide by 4.

To solve this problem, we can start by converting the mixed number 2 2/3 into an improper fraction.

To convert 2 2/3 into an improper fraction, we multiply the whole number (2) by the denominator of the fraction (3) and add the numerator (2). Then we write the result over the denominator.

2 x 3 + 2 = 6 + 2 = 8

So, 2 2/3 can be written as an improper fraction: 8/3.

Now, let's divide the length of the rope, which is 8/3 feet, equally among the four friends.

To find out how much rope each friend should get, we need to divide 8/3 by 4.

To illustrate the problem, imagine a rope divided into four equal parts. Each part represents the amount of rope each friend will receive.

Friend 1 | Friend 2 | Friend 3 | Friend 4

Now, let's divide the length of the rope, 8/3, into four equal parts:

8/3 ÷ 4 = 2/3

Therefore, each friend should get 2/3 feet of rope.

The picture below illustrates the solution:

Friend 1 | Friend 2 | Friend 3 | Friend 4
2/3 2/3 2/3 2/3

To solve the problem and determine how much rope each friend should get, we need to divide the total length of the rope by the number of friends.

Let's start by converting the mixed number 2 2/3 to an improper fraction. To do this, we multiply the whole number (2) by the denominator (3) and add the numerator (2). This gives us:

2 * 3 + 2 = 6 + 2 = 8

So, 2 2/3 is equivalent to the improper fraction 8/3.

Now, let's divide the length of the rope (8/3 feet) equally among the four friends. Since we are dividing by 4, we need to find 1/4 of the length of the rope.

To visualize this, let's draw a picture:

Friend 1: | |
Friend 2: | |
Friend 3: | |
Friend 4: | |

Since we are dividing equally into four parts, we can draw four equal sections or lines on the rope.

Friend 1: | | | |
Friend 2: | | | |
Friend 3: | | | |
Friend 4: | | | |

Now, we can distribute the length of the rope equally among the four friends by dividing the rope into four equal sections.

Friend 1: |---|---|---|
Friend 2: |---|---|---|
Friend 3: |---|---|---|
Friend 4: |---|---|---|

So, each friend should get three sections or units of length of the rope.

Therefore, each friend should get 2 2/3 ÷ 4 = 8/3 ÷ 4 = 2/3 feet of rope.