How did Andrew Jackson's humble origins endear him to the average American

Most Americans also had (and still have) humble origins. He was "one of us."

I have to write like at least 3 sentences about the topic. What should I include

I gave you two sentences. Surely you can find another couple of sentences to write.

This is what I Put : Jackson was born with a hard life having his mom and brother die right beside him. He started off with a poor background but becomes Hero of the Battle of New Orleans, led the USA getting Florida from Spain, and becomes 1st president from the west

Andrew Jackson's humble origins endeared him to the average American for several reasons. To understand this, let's explore the background and context of Andrew Jackson's life.

1. Background: Andrew Jackson was born on March 15, 1767, in the Waxhaws region, which was on the border of North and South Carolina at the time. His parents, Andrew Jackson Sr. and Elizabeth Hutchinson Jackson, were of modest means. His father died shortly before he was born, and his mother raised him in poverty.

2. Early Life Struggles: Jackson faced many challenges in his early life. He experienced financial hardships, lost his mother at a young age, and worked odd jobs to make a living. He did not have access to formal education, and his experiences reflected the struggles faced by many common Americans.

3. Military Career: One of the turning points in Jackson's life was his military career. During the War of 1812, he showed his bravery and leadership skills, which eventually led to his rise in popularity. His military successes, particularly the Battle of New Orleans, made him a national hero and gained him widespread admiration.

4. Political Platform: When Jackson entered politics, he positioned himself as a champion of the common people. He embodied the American Dream by showcasing how someone from the humblest origins could rise to prominence and advocate for the interests of ordinary citizens. His anti-establishment stance and rhetoric appealed to many Americans who felt disconnected from the political elites.

5. Populist Appeal: Jackson's persona exuded a populist appeal. He was known for his down-to-earth demeanor, simplicity, and directness. He portrayed himself as a "common man" who understood the struggles and aspirations of ordinary people. This resonated with the average American, who saw in him a relatable figure.

Overall, Andrew Jackson's humble origins resonated with the average American because they demonstrated that someone from modest beginnings could achieve success and become a national figure. His military achievements, political platform, and populist persona contributed to his popularity among the common people, making him an enduring figure in American history.